Two Celestial Star Maps

The Galaxy after 20,000 years

Two Celestial Star Maps

Galaxy 20,000 Years Later Series
Second Installment
Meeter’s Great Adventure

Part 6: To Earth
Episode 8: Episode 150

Meeter was manipulating his holographic display when he shouted with joy.

“I’ve got it, Ilumina! I’ve finally found the coordinates of the ‘Solar System’!”

His excitement filled the room with a sudden tension.

Ilumina, surprised yet composed, responded calmly, “The ‘Solar System’? And you’re talking about the ‘Celestial Star Map’ seen from Melpomenia, right?”

A faint sparkle appeared in her eyes. She knew how much time and effort Meeter had put into this quest.

“Exactly, Ilumina. The star that was once called ‘Kabire’ is actually what we know as the ‘Sun.’ Earth is the third planet in that solar system, perfectly located within the habitable zone. It’s truly a miracle of a planet.”

Meeter’s voice was brimming with excitement.

“That’s amazing, Mr. Meeter! You really are quick and precise like a shooting star. It’s like hitting the bullseye every time is just natural for you!”

Ilumina smiled as she praised Meeter’s accomplishment.

“Ask me anything. I’ve just stored everything inside this brain of mine.”

Meeter puffed out his chest and looked at her.

“Well then, let’s start with this… where exactly is Earth?” Ilumina asked with curiosity.

“10.47 light-years away,” Meeter responded without hesitation.

“Then, what is the closest star system to the Solar System that has a planet capable of supporting human life?”

Ilumina’s eyes sparkled even more.

“Near Alpha Centauri in the constellation of Centaurus, there’s Proxima Centauri,” Meeter confidently replied.

“And how far is that from the Solar System?”

“4.246 light-years.”

“Wow! That’s incredible! So close!” Ilumina exclaimed in awe.

“Is it true that stars like Sirius and Canopus are the brightest ones on Earth’s star maps?” she continued, her curiosity still unsatisfied.

Meeter smiled. “You’re absolutely right. Sirius is in the constellation of Canis Major, and it’s twice as bright as Canopus. Sirius is located 8.6 light-years away from Earth, while Canopus, in the Carina constellation, is 310 light-years away.”

His voice conveyed a deep sense of accomplishment, mixed with the joy of sharing knowledge.

“That’s information like a shooting star, Mr. Meeter!”
Ilumina playfully remarked, her words laced with genuine gratitude and amazement.

To be continued…

二つの全天星座図 galaxy20,000yearslaterseries 第2弾 ミーターの大冒険 第六部 地球へ 第8話 エピソード 150 ミーターが手元のホログラフィック・ディスプレイを操作しながら歓喜の声を上げた。 「やったぞ、イルミナ!ついに見つけたんだ、『太陽系』の座標がわかったぞ!」 その声に...

